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  • Writer's pictureAndrew Henley

Transforming Your Subconscious Mind: Overcoming Embedded Attitudes and Beliefs


We all possess a powerful subconscious mind, teeming with attitudes and beliefs that shape our thoughts, emotions, and actions. However, some of these attitudes may no longer serve us, and it is crucial to embark on a journey of transformation. This article explores the key steps to identifying and rewiring the subconscious mind, allowing us to embrace a life aligned with our Higher Power's values.

These Attitudes Were Never Yours!

Recognize that the attitudes and beliefs that hinder your growth are not inherent aspects of your identity. They are acquired patterns from past experiences and conditioning. By understanding that you are not defined by these limitations, you open the door to profound change.

The Need for Change

To progress in life, we must acknowledge the necessity of personal growth. This involves the willingness to confront our fears and limitations and break free from the shackles of self-doubt. Remember, change is an essential part of self-improvement.


Avoidance is a common coping mechanism that hinders our ability to face challenges. Acknowledge any tendencies to evade discomfort and recognize the benefits of confronting obstacles head-on.

This is Uncomfortable Work

Transforming our subconscious patterns can be uncomfortable, as it requires examining long-held beliefs and attitudes. Accept that discomfort is an inevitable part of the process, and trust that it will lead to personal growth and greater alignment with your Higher Power.


A crucial component of change is the willingness to shift your mind-set. Embrace the idea that you are capable of growth and have the power to overcome limiting beliefs.

Be Present

Practicing mindfulness allows us to become more aware of our thoughts and emotions, as well as our reactions to life's challenges. By being present, we can identify the patterns that hold us back and consciously choose to respond differently.

Witness what is Taking Place

Instead of being swept away by our emotions and reactions, we must cultivate the ability to observe our experiences. This allows us to gain clarity and identify the root causes of our struggles.

Compare Your Attitudes and Beliefs to the Values of Your Higher Power

Reflect on how your current attitudes and beliefs align with the values of your Higher Power. This can help you identify areas where you may need to adjust your thinking and embrace more empowering beliefs.

Will Power

The power of your will is essential in the process of transformation. Your determination and dedication to change will enable you to overcome resistance and doubts that may arise along the way.

Re-write the Pathways in the Subconscious

The final step is to actively rewire your subconscious mind by introducing new, empowering beliefs and habits. Through daily practice and consistent effort, you can replace limiting beliefs with those that support your personal growth and align with the values of your Higher Power.


Embarking on a journey of subconscious transformation requires courage, determination, and self-awareness. By following these steps, you can break free from the constraints of limiting beliefs and create a life filled with growth, fulfilment, and alignment with your Higher Power.

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